Spring is coming and it means great weather for outdoor activities like motorbiking.

I recently bought GoPro 7 camera and wanted to see how it works and what is image quality compared to my earlier apex cam that I purchased from Amazon.de
First I downloaded GoPro Quick app to control camera easier while driving. Application is quite ok, but it seems to lost connection to camera right away when it is set to background. New connection creation takes always 20-30sec. Also sometimes start or end recording button is not responding. So In the end I found my self pressing actual camera button when I wanted to start or stop recording.
What comes to image quality it is quite impressive compared to Apexcam. Apexcam says it can record 4k videos, but those are not really smooth. So I have recorded with 1080p on that, but even then when there are some movement in picture it gets easily blurred and pixeled.
Probably apexcam is ok for some activities, but not good for motorbiking videos. Once again I needed buy 2 cameras, cheap and then good.